
Disciplinary Chair: John Boumphrey

Disciplinary Deputy Chair: Steve Barrow

The Disciplinary Code describes how British Fencing will deal with alleged disciplinary Offences, as defined in the Code.

Disciplinary and Grievance Code

Indicative Sanctions Guide 08.03.16

Athlete Penalties Youth Competitions – updated December 2014

Offences & Penalties Sheet | December 2022

Disciplinary Panel Job Specification

Black Card Note: in GBR Domestic Events the fencer is immediately excluded from the competition and suspended from the remainder of the tournament.  Details must be reported to British Fencing head office for consideration under the Disciplinary Process, which may result in the imposition of additional penalties.  The additional FIE penalty of two months suspension from competition only applies automatically to FIE Events

If you have any questions please contact headoffice@britishfencing.com.